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Wydawnictwo Naukowe

Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

ul. Starzyńskiego 8, 70-506 Szczecin

tel. +48 91 48 09 616

Welcome to the webpage of the Maritime University of Szczecin Press

   At the beginning there were several papers published in our books and they were connected with maritime affairs. Doctoral and habilitation theses had also been published then. With time the Press scope expanded to among others nautical issues, operation of the vessel, marine power plant operation, transportation engineering, mechanical engineering, automation etc. We publish magazines, conference proceedings, scientific books and manuals for students.

Become our business partner

   We encourage organisations, business and individual clients to make use of our services. We provide the whole editorial process according to international standards for scientific articles for conferences and other events held in the following areas: marine engineering and technologies, navigation, geodesy and carthography, transportation engineering etc. We offer special discounts on orders of printing more material.

   We are seeking contributors whose support will be dedicated to cover the costs of the editorial process, subscription fees to databases indexing scientific articles, holding meetings and participating in events that promote research in marine technologies, purchase of software and stationery, etc. In return for support, we will advertise the sponsor and its products / services / achievements in a dedicated section of our journal (print version), at its webpage and in its promotional materials. In addition, the contributor will be advertised during national and international promotional events we take part in (fairs and exhibitions, conferences, symposia and seminars). If you are interested in cooperation, please contact the editorial office.


Sep 20, 2023

XXX Konferencja Redaktorów Czasopism Akademickich i Portali Uczelnianych

Konferencja Redaktorów Czasopism Akademickich i Portali Uczelnianych\

W dniach 13–16…

May 16, 2023

Konferencja Redaktorów Czasopism Akademickich i Portali Uczelnianych

Konferencja Redaktorów Czasopism Akademickich i Portali Uczelnianych

Jubileuszowa XXX…

Jun 26, 2019

Pozyskaliśmy grant ministra na rozwój naszego kwartalnika

    Niniejszym informujemy, że kwartalnik Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie,…

Jun 26, 2019

Zachęcamy do współpracy

   Zachęcamy firmy, organizacje, instytucje oraz osoby fizyczne i prawne do korzystania z…