Methods of mathematical control therory and their applications to some optimization problems of modern marine navigation

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Wydawnictwo Naukowe

Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie

ul. Starzyńskiego 8, 70-506 Szczecin

tel. +48 91 48 09 616

Zenon Zwierzewicz, Wyższa Szkoła Morska w Szczecinie

Prof. dr hab. inż. Hans Buttler
Prof. dr hab. inż. Bernhard Lampe
Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Skoczowski

ISSN: 0860-8806
Rok wydania: 1994
126 s., B5, oprawa miękka

The development of modern control theory is based on a variety of mathematical disciplines: optimization, calculus of variation, differential equations, numerical methods etc. This strong mathematical base introduced new powerful mathematical techniques in  deriving optimal control solutions without resorting to the heuristic intuition which was heavily relied upon in the classical control techniques. Consequently, on the basis of intensively developing computer techniques it has become possible to solve a wide range of complex nonlinear control problems from different branches of science and engineering. This study concentrates on general optimization techniques of modern control theory and discusses possibilities of their effective applications to the number of problems of optimal navigation where the issue of collision avoidance is dominant. The Pontryagin's maximum principle is combined with the Isaacs" approach as well as the author's own results. The main attention is focused on the game/control problems with state space constraints which is motivated by the specifics of problems considered in the work. Both quantitative and qualitative problems can be successfully treatęd by the methods developed here. The presented numerical techniques are able to cope with the most complex problems of (the considered class. The proposal of digital collision avoidance system is given as a result of the theory, numerical methods and the applied computer technique.


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